silver lining


384 E Goodman RD, Suite 185, Southhaven, MS 38671

Silver Lining is a non-profit
that helps women and men dealing with

Domestic Violence

Silver Lining is a non-profit
that helps women and men dealing with

Domestic Violence

About Us

We are the second option of hope and advocacy for women and men who experience domestic violence..

Donate Today

Every donation recieved helps our organization of men & women in need of everyday resources...


Thank you for your support! Join an organization with caring individuals who promote change!

Our Mission

Our mission at Silver Lining LLC is to offer an individualized experience to women and men who experience domestic violence by providing additional nights in hotels, transportation, and care packages.

If you feel like you are a victim to Domestic Violence, click the button below.

Donate Today

Thank you for Supporting our mission. When you give you change a life forever!